26 Apr The training pilot experience in IRELAND
As an ongoing impact of Covid19 Pilot training was delivered via Zoom from Galway, Ireland and took place between in April 2021 including the museum scenarios which were undertaken using various online and virtual exhibitions. The total number of learners was 8. There were 2 Tutor Facilitators suitably qualified were involved, using dual teaching methodology (1 hearing / 1 Deaf trainer) and training was in English throughout.
The training was divided into 2 parts with Part 1 dealing with Personal Competences/Qualities plus Empowerment and Part 2 focused on Tour Structuring and Let’s Start the Museum Tour!
Learners visited virtual museums as a basis for Group Discussion during the Learning Sessions.
These included National Gallery (https://www.nationalgallery.ie/virtual-tour ), Galway City Museum (https://www.galwaycitymuseum.ie/virtual-tour/?locale=en ), IMMA (https://imma.ie/ ), Chester Beatty (https://chesterbeatty.ie/) and other museums in Ireland, Spain, United States, Poland, Slovakia, Austria and Romania.