21 Apr The MADE educational model tested through online in Italy
The Italian team (TUCEP and AUSRU) tested the MADE educational model in cooperation with the Special School for Deaf “A. Magarotto” and Museum of Civilisations located both in Rome, between November 2020 and April 2021.
The training programme has been delivered virtually (through Google Meet platform) due to the Italian Covid-19 restrictions. The practical experience was planned in the month of February at the Museum of Civilisations, but, afterwards the new closures of all museums at national level due to the increasing of Covid-19 infections, learners could not carry out the visits at the museum. In the new activity schedule, the representative of Museum worked closely with the trainers in order to choose at least 10 artworks to be “told” by the students through video-guides in Italian Sign Language. The selected artworks are located in two out of five sections the Museum of Civilisations consists of: the Early Middle Ages section and the Popular Arts and Traditions section.
The trainers, supported by the museum representative, after preparing easy-to-understand texts in Italian language, taught the learners to reproduce the information in Italian sign language. After two visits to the areas of the museum the selected artworks are located in, the trainees prepared one video for each artwork, which will be uploaded on a special app designed by the museum available to deaf visitors. When the pandemic situation allows for guided physical tours, young deaf trainees will be engaged as museum guides.